
What Are The Trial Voices That Come With Vocalizer App?

ClaroSpeak iOS Features

Text-to-Speech with High Quality Voices

Import documents and PDFs into ClaroSpeak from apps such as Mail, or import PDF, Word and other files directly from Dropbox or Google Drive using ClaroSpeak's Dropbox and Google Drive integration. Hear the contents read out with a choice of high-quality Nuance Vocalizer voices included in ClaroSpeak Plus. Make the voice speak faster or slower to suit. The voices are installed within ClaroSpeak Plus, so they work when not online and do not use up any expensive data allowance. This text to speech application uses the built in iOS system voices.

Type text or use Apple's speech recognition to dictate text directly into ClaroSpeak and hear it spoken back, helping you to check text and proofread quickly and easily. The Apple spellcheck works in ClaroSpeak, further helping to increase the accuracy of documents.

Access over 100 voices in over 30 languages and even more accents through in-app purchase in ClaroSpeak Plus. Both Nuance Expressive and Acapela voices are available through ClaroSpeak's in-app store.

See our voices page for a full list and samples of voices available to download and purchase.

Word Prediction, Autocorrect and Language Learning

ClaroSpeak's Word Prediction takes account of word frequency and previous words. There is an initial Word Prediction list loaded on startup, and ClaroSpeak can learn new words as they are typed. The predicted words appear on a Word bar above the keyboard. Swiping left on this row will show more predicted words, if available. Train prediction dictionary or create a new one from a current document. It is possible to switch Word Prediction on or off, as well as choose the prediction dictionary to use and set whether prediction learns from what is typed.

Enable Claro Autocorrect and ClaroSpeak will use our specifically designed correction list to automatically correct misspelt words as they are typed (ClaroSpeak Plus only).

Learn and vocalise a second language with ClaroSpeak. Use any of the in-built iOS system voices to hear text in a foreign language spoken aloud and listen back to text as it is typed – great for learning how to pronounce correctly. Buy more high-quality voices via in-app purchase.

Capture Text from Photo OCR (ClaroSpeak Plus only)

Choose a photo, screen shot or an image with text and have this text extracted into ClaroSpeak.

Minimum hardware specifications: 2MP camera, which is available on:

  • iPad 3rd generation or newer
  • iPhone 4 or newer
  • iPod Touch 4th generation or newer

Visual Highlighting

Coordinate reading and listening via text highlighting as the text is read back. Pick the colour and style of highlighting required.

ClaroSpeak Visual Highlighting

Choose from one of four highlighting modes: none, word by word highlighting, word trail highlighting or sentence highlighting. The word trail feature makes words colour progressively as they are spoken by ClaroSpeak.

Change the font size, foreground and background colour, and use a more-readable font to maximise ease-of-reading.

Font & Layout

Change the font type, size or colour to suit your needs. Layout the text for easier reading by adjusting the character, line and paragraph spacing and adjusting the page margins. Text can be formatted bold, italic and underlined to emphasise. Images can be inserted into the text from the camera or your library.

Save to Audio and Speak in Background

Convert any text into an audio file with any of the high-quality voices. Listen to text on the move and proofread on the go.

ClaroSpeak will continue to read or play an audio file after the Home button is pressed. This allows continued listening to a document whilst using other apps (ClaroSpeak Plus only).

Send Text

Text created within ClaroSpeak can be emailed, sent via SMS, Airdrop, or copied and pasted into another app, like Safari – great to help ensure everything is right. The Apple spellcheck works in ClaroSpeak too, further helping accuracy. Sending to Facebook and Twitter lets you join in with social media.

Dropbox and Google Drive Integration

Open documents and eBooks stored in Dropbox or Google Drive directly in ClaroSpeak. Save text and audio files directly back to Dropbox or Google Drive (ClaroSpeak Plus only).

Comparison Chart

App Features ClaroSpeak
ClaroSpeak Plus
High quality installed voices 0 (uses system voices only) 4
Text to speech with customisable highlighting
Rich-text document editing
Word prediction
Open from Dropbox and Google Drive integration
Save to Dropbox and Google Drive integration
Save text to audio file
Speak in background – listen to text or audio files while you use other apps
Claro autocorrect
Insert images into your documents
Capture text from photo
(unlimited OCR)
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Get it

Download on the App Store
Free trial version with optional subscription
Download on the App Store
Premium version

If you are a school and unable to make an in-app purchase to unlock the Plus features in the free version of ClaroSpeak, please contact to ask about activating through ClaroRead Cloud.

What Are The Trial Voices That Come With Vocalizer App?


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